Posts with the tag: Magento2

Avoiding duplicate content in Magento's EAV model

Magento’s (1+2) EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) database model allows too much redundant data. This leads to an unusual large database and strains errors when working with that data in the backend. Taking care of the shop content is for most merchants a pretty huge task. In this post I would like to propose an overall fix to this problem with backwards incompatible changes to the database structure.

Magento2 Stores and Scopes v1.0.0

Exploring the Store package and its init process with scopes in Magento2 (1.0.0-beta).

See the previous post where we’ve explored the differences between Magento 1.9 and Magento 2 0.74.0 regarding Scopes and Websites, Groups and Stores.

Magento2 Stores and Scopes

Update Oct 2015: This version is outdated as the store package has been refactored between 0.74.0-beta4 and 1.0.0-beta.

See updated post here.

Exploring the Store package and its init process with scopes in Magento2 (0.74.0-beta4) and Magento1 (1.9 CE).

Twig Template Engine For Magento2

Magento2 itself uses PHP as the template engine (as what PHP has been developed for in ~1996 ;-) ).

The Twig template engine cannot execute directly PHP code which seems more secure.

Magento2 - REST API Permissions

After exploring the Magento2 REST API because I want to implement it into my Wanderlust project I’ve figured out many many missing features and bugs …